The Ministries of the Liturgy
Altar Servers are chosen from among the faithful of all ages who display a desire to serve in a more intimate way during Mass. It is an extreme privilege to kneel so close to the altar as our loving Savior becomes truly present at the moment of Consecration. Accordingly, a server has a solemn responsibility to do the assigned duties with attention, dignity and reverence. As an altar server you will be thoroughly trained and expected to serve twice a month.
One of the most important liturgical ministries is Art and Environment. Members of this ministry design, make and install the seasonal decorations, banners and objects that make our worship space uplifting and unique. If you are creative and enjoy working with other creative folks in a group setting, this ministry is for you.
In addition to assisting the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion at mass, once or twice a month, some of our Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are trained to bring the consecrated host to members of the parish who cannot attend mass. Experienced ministers are chosen to be Sacristans and are responsible for the care of the sacred vessels, vestments and other liturgical items and supplies.
Ushers and greeters belong to the Hospitality ministry. Greeters welcome old and new parishioners and guests to our liturgies. Catholics have always been known for their hospitality, and if you like people, this is the ministry for you.
Ushers make sure that everything runs very smoothly during our liturgies and other gatherings. In addition to taking up the collections, ushers help maintain order and decorum. Following an initial period of training, ushers and greeters will serve at the liturgies they normally attend.
Ushers make sure that everything runs very smoothly during our liturgies and other gatherings. In addition to taking up the collections, ushers help maintain order and decorum. Following an initial period of training, ushers and greeters will serve at the liturgies they normally attend.
The mission of the Lector or lay reader is to proclaim the Word at liturgy. As a ministry of lay persons, we strive to meet the tests of being "called and gifted." To that end, the lector ministry is open to those who are called to it and who are gifted by the Spirit with the skills necessary for proclamation of the Word of God. Individual lectors are expected to strive to improve through on-going prayer, scripture study and workshops.
You’re invited to audition for the Holy Trinity Music ministry. All we ask is that you can sing or play an instrument, and make the commitment to rehearse on a regular basis. In addition, singers and musicians will come together on special occasions such as Christmas concerts and the special liturgies of Holy Week.