Please click here to download the Wedding Music Sampler Form
Listen to the following music samples and enter your selections on the form. The selections will play in your default media player. Please bring the form with you when you meet with the Parish Director of Music Ministries, Chris Chiasson.
1. Gather Us In 2. Gather Your People
3. Morning Has Broken
4. Psalm 118 - This Day Was Made for the Lord 5. Psalm 25 - To You O Lord
6. Psalm 27 - Goodness of the Lord
7. Psalm 29 - The Lord Will Bless Us 8. Psalm 103 - Loving and Forgiving
10. Lord of All Hopefulness 11. Beginning Today
12. Beatitudes 13. Dwelling Place 14. I Have Loved You
15. When Love is Found 16. Wherever You Go 17. Here I Am
19. Peace Prayer
20. Love One Another 21. One Is the Body 22. Bread of Life
23. Behold the Lamb 24. How Beautiful 26. Canticle of the Sun
27. With One Voice